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St. Antonius Foundation

Our Organization

St. Antonius foundation was founded in Munich in 2008 by Dr. Adly Wahaba and a group of German and Egyptian engineers and volunteers. The founders came up with the idea after a visit to St. Anthony Monastery on the Red Sea, where they saw ugly thick smoke coimg from the diesel generator room. They decided to help the Monastery to utilize the sun to generate the required electricity. In order to do so, they established the St. Antonius foundation to receive donations from individuals, associations, and governmental foundations.


During our first project planning - from left to right - Astrid von Menges, Samia de Groh, Fr. Deoscouros El- Antony, Winfried Brunner, Fr. Maximous El-Antony, Randa Kaiser, Dr. Adly Wahba.

In 2012, with the help of Misereor and others, we realized a 210 kWp solar plant project at St. Anthony Monastery on the Red Sea in Egypt, where there is no access to a public power grid.

This project generated 378 MWh per year, which equals a saving of 292 t of CO2 emissions or the conservation of 850 m² of polar ice. Following the successful completion of the project, we held three workshops in different locations in Cairo in 2016, 2017, and 2018 to inform the general public about climate change and propose new and renewable energy sources as alternative solutions.


Now, with 7 board members and over 100 volunteers, we are working on different projects.
Our main objective is developing cooperation and promoting environmentally friendly technologies and solutions for energy supply, irrigation, and other professions in Egypt. We achieve this by establishing vocational training for young people in rural areas and poor villages, where we fight climate change and poverty at the same time. In the targeted areas, we also carry out rehabilitation projects for children, adolescents, and women.

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Dr. Adly Wahaba

St. Antonius Foundation has existed for over 10 years. We do our best to make a difference in people's lives.

Board Members

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